Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

Myjob : kemajuan1



set area = 90/140/-15/9
set psfile = top.ps
set grdfile=./indo.nc
set cptfile=color.cpt
makecpt -Cglobe -Z > $cptfile
grdgradient $grdfile -A30/270 -Gintens.grd -Nt0.30 -V
grdimage $grdfile -R$area -JM18c -C$cptfile -Iintens.grd -P -K -X1.5 -Y8 >! $psfile

pscoast -R$area -JM18c  -Df -W2,100 -P -Ba4f2/a4f2NWSE -O -K >> $psfile

awk -F, '{ print $1, $2}' ./trench.gmt | psxy -R$area -J -Gdarkblue -Sc0.05 -O -K >> $psfile
awk -F, '{ print $1, $2}' ./transform.gmt | psxy -R$area -J -Gdarkblue -Sc0.05 -O -K >> $psfile
awk -F, '{ print $1, $2}' ./ridge.gmt | psxy -R$area -J -Gdarkblue -Sc0.05 -O -K >> $psfile
awk -F, '{ print $1, $2}' ./cobi.d | psxy -R$area -J -Gyellow -W1 -Sa0.2 -O -K >> $psfile

sed -n '2,3p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '5,6p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '8,9p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '11,12p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '14,15p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '17,18p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '20,21p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '23,24p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '26,27p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '29,30p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '32,33p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '35,36p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '38,39p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '41,42p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '44,45p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '47,48p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '50,51p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '53,54p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '56,57p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '59,60p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '62,63p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '65,66p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '68,69p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '71,72p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '74,75p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '77,78p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '80,81p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '83,84p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '86,87p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
sed -n '89,90p' test.txt | psxy -R$area -JM -Ggray -W1 -O -K >> $psfile

psmeca focaltop_cmt.gmt -R$area -JM -Sm0.25c/-1 -Gred -W1 -O -K >> $psfile
pstext cibi.txt -R$area -JM -Gblack -O -K >> $psfile

psscale -C$cptfile -Iintens.grd -D0.4c/1/2/0.15 -B2000 -P -O -X20c -Y5c >> $psfile

Cut command linux


cut options [files]
Cut out selected columns or fields from one or more files.

In the following options, list is a sequence of integers. Use a comma between separate values, and a hyphen to specify a range (e.g., 1-10,15,20 or 50-). See also paste and join.


-b list, --bytes list
Specify list of positions; only bytes in these positions will be printed.
-c list, --characters list
Cut the column positions identified in list. Column numbers start with 1.
-d c, --delimiter c
Use with -f to specify field delimiter as character c (default is tab); special characters (e.g., a space) must be quoted.
-f list, --fields list
Cut the fields identified in list.
Don't split multibyte characters.
-s, --only-delimited
Use with -f to suppress lines without delimiters.
Use string as the output delimiter. By default, the output delimiter is the same as the input delimiter.
Print help message and exit.
Print version information and exit.


Extract usernames and real names from /etc/passwd:
cut -d: -f1,5 /etc/passwd
Find out who is logged on, but list only login names:
who | cut -d" " -f1
Cut characters in the fourth column of file, and paste them back as the first column in the same file:
cut -c4 file | paste - file

  1. cut -c1-3 text.txt
    Cut the first three letters from the above line.
  2. cut -d, -f1,2 text.txt
    This is, an example program
    The above command is used to split the fields using delimiter and cut the first two fields.

Sed command linux

(=stream editor) I use sed to filter text files. The pattern to match is typically included between a pair of slashes // and quoted.
For example, to print lines containing the string "1024", I may use:
cat filename | sed -n '/1024/p'
Here, sed filters the output from the cat command. The option "-n" tells sed to block all the incoming lines but those explicitly matching my expression.  The sed action on a match is "p"= print.
Another example, this time for deleting selected lines:

cat filename | sed '/.*o$/d' > new_file

In this example, lines ending the an "o" will be deleted. I used a regular expression for matching any string followed by an "o" and the end of the line. The output (i.e., all lines but those ending with "d") is directed to new_file.
Another example. To search and replace, I use the sed 's' action, which comes in front of two expressions:

cat filename | sed 's/string_old/string_new/' > newfile

A shorter form for the last command is:
sed 's/string_old/string_new/' filename > newfile
To insert a text from a text file into an html file, I may use a script containing:
sed '/text_which_is_a_placeholder_in__my_html_file/r text_file_to_insert.txt' index_master_file.html > index.htmll

sed G myfile.txt > newfile.txt
In the above example using the sed command with G would double space the file myfile.txt and output the results to the newfile.txt.
sed = myfile.txt | sed 'N;s/\n/\. /'
The above example will use the sed command to output each of the lines in myfile.txt with the line number followed by a period and a space before each line. As done with the first example the output could be redirected to another file using > and the file name.
sed 's/test/example/g' myfile.txt > newfile.txt
Opens the file myfile.txt and searches for the word "test" and replaces every occurrence with the word "example".
sed -n '$=' myfile.txt
Above this command count the number of lines in the myfile.txt and output the results.
